Friday, November 2, 2007

Is the World coming to an end......

World War 3.....ever since the world war 2 ended & things started settling down in Europe there was this big question in everybody’s mind When, where & How is the third one going to take place?.....late 70's & most part of 80's we were very close to experiencing it but it just couldn’t gather enough 'heat' & ended as a COLD 90's we saw Gulf taking the center stage but US of A was too powerful for Iraq.....early 2000's the focus was again on the Gulf.

All this while Scientists around the world kept working on more disastrous weapons like the Laser Weapons, Gamma Rays, Hydrogen Bombs, Biological & of course the Nuclear .......WW3 obviously seems a possibility in foreseeable future. Albert Einstein once said

"I don't know how man will fight World War III, but I do know how they will fight World War IV; with sticks and stones."

Not so recently came the 'Turning Point' 9/ some News channels said " The World will never be the same again".

"So does that mean this is the beginning of the end?"


Shree said... ur world is bound to come to end after visiting this lousy site..:P

gud one its !!

Aditya Pant said...

Great start...hoping to see more in the future